
Here you can find a collection of works I have developed the past years.

Projects ranging from the small scale of digital fabrication, to the understanding and analysis of urban data that, together with my studies in architecture, add a transversal knowledge of the city.

If you want more information about me, you can find it here...
Download CV


Residential building project.
2020. Getafe. Madrid.
Status: under construction.

Six floors residential building. 24 houses, 56 parking spaces, 1 commercial store and 24 storage rooms.
Collaboration during the pre-design and schematic desing processes. Development of architectural and construction plans, three-dimensional model and images during the design development and construction document phases.

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Project developed by: LINEA estudio de arquitectura | website here

  • Contact Information

    I Hope you have enjoyed all this collection and looking forward to hearing from you.
    Here all what you need to contact me

    Madrid. Spain 0034 629520701 irenervara@gmail.com
    ©2018 Irene Rodríguez Vara | All rights reserved