
Here you can find a collection of works I have developed the past years.

Projects ranging from the small scale of digital fabrication, to the understanding and analysis of urban data that, together with my studies in architecture, add a transversal knowledge of the city.

If you want more information about me, you can find it here...
Download CV


Assembly work in collaboration with Fab Lab Seoul.
Maker Faire 2017. Seoul. South Korea.

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Semi inflatable installation where the "hard"(wood ribs) represents the reality, the making, the hardware meanwhile the "soft"(ballons) represents the intangible, the ideas, the imagination...

Project developed by: Fab Lab Seoul | website here

  • Contact Information

    I Hope you have enjoyed all this collection and looking forward to hearing from you.
    Here all what you need to contact me

    Madrid. Spain 0034 629520701 irenervara@gmail.com
    ©2018 Irene Rodríguez Vara | All rights reserved