
Here you can find a collection of works I have developed the past years.

Projects ranging from the small scale of digital fabrication, to the understanding and analysis of urban data that, together with my studies in architecture, add a transversal knowledge of the city.

If you want more information about me, you can find it here...
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Final Thesis Project. Master Architecture.
2015. EPS CEU San Pablo. Madrid.

Project about the refurbishing and transformation of the Mercado de la Cebada in Madrid, an interesting development of the different cycles of construction along time and how these cycles can be interacting with the whole urban ecosystem.

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Concerns about social, environmental and imaginative issues are translated successfully into architectonical systems in an inventive and integrative way. The ecological research through the project has been one of the high spots in the whole process.


Construction details.
Investigating differents kinds of constructive mechanisms, wich responds to each one of the generated spaces


Architecture like work-in-progress that should evolve and adapt to people's needs

Project developed by: Irene Rodríguez Vara
Coordinanted by: Auxiliadora Gálvez
