What do we do?

Our Story

Who We Are

Urban Planning has its roots in creating better places for the citizens. However, city-leaders in most cases decide on what is best for the city without including its inhabitants in those decisions.

We are three students seeking a more inclusive urban management approach, which is constantly fed with real-time data that enables prevention methods rather than treatment and mitigation. Hence, GoCity was created.

Go City is a platform aimed towards bridging the gap between the government, private sectors and the citizens by providing a space for all stakeholders to help share their efforts towards building their district.
What Drives Us?

Our Values

GoCity acts as a visual tool to track the performance of the city which provides awareness and help target sustainability in a democratic and transparent system in which citizens are the agents of change.

Our Stakeholders

By connecting data, GoCity helps in establishing connections between public and private sectors, people and opportunities and empowering citizens to better align investment and policies in a city.


GoCity promotes circular economy by providing a prevention tool rather than treatment which also boosts the city’s economy by minimizing the use of resources and therefore maximizing efficiency and reducing costs.


Real-time monitoring by and with the choice of the citizens, facilities adaptability and flexibility to change by constantly tracking the variables affecting the city and displaying them for city-stakeholders to address and act upon.
We believe that real-time data-driven urban simulation will foster accurate decision making and active community engagement and additionally future-proof the area.

By tracking real-time data of certain variables affecting the citizens, the urban fabric and the city as a whole, GoCity provides the space for these Performance Indicators to be displayed.

Public entities, private companies, startups and organizations are then able to act towards these issues in the form of campaigns, to which citizens, being the agents of change, respond by choosing to participate in the campaigns they value and see fit.

How does it work?

By joining GoCity, you are able to voice your opinions by choosing to participate in the promoted campaigns based on your personal assessment. You are then provided with points after the completion of your participation in the chosen campaign, which you can then exchange by services from the different sponsors of GoCity.
Private Companies & Startups
Do you want to help shape your city and empower its people while promoting your services at the same time? Are you a startup wanting to spread the word about your product and engaging in a co-creation process? If you have a service that can improve a poorly performing indicator by getting people to use it, join CoCity!
Public Authorities
They respond to the campaigns by providing funding to startups and new organizations if needed, and contributing in the selection of service providers in GoCity. Campaigns that are certified by the authorities are going to be highlighted differently to ensure transparency and promote trust for the users.
You do not see how your product or service can directly affect an indicator and shape a city but would like to participate and be an advocate of a coherent and citizen-based system? Be one of our sponsors and promote your product on GoCity!
Make the Change. Be the Change.
Help foster inclusive, data-driven decision-making in our city.

Join GoCity
Copyright © GoCity 2018